Monday, March 31, 2008

The Best Things in Life Are Free!

Please make a comment to answer and discuss these questions in class. Scroll down and post your ideas:
  1. The Beatles sing, "The best things in life are free!" and they sing, "Money can't buy me love." Do you agree? What do you enjoy that is free or not very expensive?
  2. The Beatles also sing, "Give me money! That's what I want. Love won't pay my bills!" Why do you want money? What do you want for your future?
  3. Some people get in trouble with money. They spend too much and get in trouble with credit cards or loans. What do you do to be careful about money?
Of course most people say love is more important than money, and that money cannot buy happiness. Still, we need some money to take care of our lives and our families and our world.

Look at two old videos about money. Think about how you spend your money and your time. Take our survey about money! You can click here to read the lyrics for the first video.